Taylor White Blog

As experienced professionals in the finance & accounting staffing arena, and the job market in general, we pride ourselves in our ability to share insights with our candidates and clients. Please see below for some of our recent blog postings and published articles.

As you dive into budget season and with year-end fast approaching, be sure to lockdown your top-notch contract talent today! (3)

Assessing Your Current Market Value

How often have we heard that phrase in the last couple of years?  As an experienced Recruiting Manager specializing in Accounting in Finance, I would tell you that this is an understatement.  Tampa Bay is a hot market for a myriad of reasons. Whether you appreciate our competitive cost of living, award winning beaches, perfect weather, championship sports teams, or our amazing craft food, Tampa Bay is being seen as the place to be!

As you dive into budget season and with year-end fast approaching, be sure to lockdown your top-notch contract talent today! (2)

Tips for Effective Communication in a Remote Environment

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the workforce was thrust into a remote environment. Companies had to quickly transition employees and clients to online platforms. Overnight, many employees went from full time in office to working remotely from home. Interviewing, training, and employee engagement posed the greatest hardships with this new work arrangement. So, what are…

Knowing When It's the RIGHT Time to Move On. (3)

So You Have Been Asked to Return to the Office…

So here we go again, right? There’s been a moving target set for a return back in the office…and here we are a year later. You may have adopted a “we’ll see how that goes” mentality, as the one consistent thing with COVID is unpredictability. More importantly, you may be asking yourself, what does this…

Knowing When It's the RIGHT Time to Move On. (2)

Communicating Effectively with Personality Styles in the Workplace

While I had approximately 10 years of experience in accounting (both public and industry), there is one thing that recruiting taught me that I wish I would have known earlier on in my career – the ability to communicate effectively with diverse personality types in the workplace.  I always considered myself at least somewhat gifted…

Knowing When It's the RIGHT Time to Move On. (1)

The Pros & Cons of Remote Work

As many accounting and finance professionals have transitioned into fully (or partially) remote work during the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to get questions from our candidates about what the future of work might look like.  Candidates want to understand the vision of prospective employers. Will this type of flexible work…

Knowing When It's the RIGHT Time to Move On.

Knowing When It’s the RIGHT Time to Move On

There are very few certainties in life, but one of them is the fact that change is a given. Life transitions are bound to happen, and those can create a need in a person’s career to address gaps or unmet wants. There are times, even when life seems to be business as usual, that someone…


Thank You Notes

You just had an interview for a position you really want. Before saying your prayers that you are the chosen candidate, make sure you send a thank you!


Secrets to An Effective Virtual Onboarding Process

I find myself fortunate as a recruiter to be in a profession that revolves entirely around people.  I seek to understand what drives people, what they’re good at, what they see themselves doing five years…


Top 3 Reasons to Hire A Consultant

Haven’t we all been there?  If you find yourself overwhelmed or your staff is becoming overworked, a consultant can provide immediate relief while keeping your team (and yourself) sane!


Leaving Public Accounting for an Industry Job Allowed Me To _________.

Leaving public accounting is a huge decision for many accountants. There is a clear career path, great opportunities, and better pay than most. BUT leaving can also open doors you would’ve never expected.