Taylor White Blog

As experienced professionals in the finance & accounting staffing arena, and the job market in general, we pride ourselves in our ability to share insights with our candidates and clients. Please see below for some of our recent blog postings and published articles.

May Blog

6 Strategies To Boost Productivity

They say time is our most valuable asset. I don’t believe I’ve ever met anyone who would not want to be able to accomplish what they need to in less time. Doing so could create an opportunity for a well-deserved vacation or a special project at work or time spent with family and friends. In…

Blog Titles

Elevating the Candidate Experience: Beyond Resumes and Interviews

In the dynamic world of recruitment, where talent is a prized commodity, organizations are recognizing the pivotal role that candidate experience plays in attracting and retaining top talent. The candidate’s experience with a company is a crucial element that shapes the employer-employee relationship – right from the beginning. One creative way we have seen companies…

March 24 Newsletter Title

Imposter Syndrome in the Corporate World: Strategies to Overcome Self-Doubt

Navigating the corporate world as a young professional can be daunting. Fresh out of the academic bubble, we’re bombarded with new expectations, unfamiliar jargon, and a sea of experienced faces. It’s no surprise that a prevalent feeling called imposter syndrome often rears its ugly head. I get it; I truly do. As a young professional,…

February Blog Title

The Value of Opposite Relationships in the Workplace: How Your Team Can Thrive by Embracing Differences

In a world of numbers and spreadsheets, finding harmony may seem like a purely mathematical equation. The truth is though, just like any successful relationship, a winning team isn’t built solely on shared traits. In fact, embracing opposites can be the key to unlocking your team’s full potential. Think of how in double-entry accounting, credits…

December Blog

Unwrapping a Better You: A Guide to Personal Growth This Holiday Season

The holiday season often conjures images of festive decorations, delicious meals, and quality time with loved ones. It’s a time of celebration and reflection, but it can also be an excellent opportunity for personal growth. As the year draws to a close, why not take advantage of this time to unwrap a better version of…

Novemeber Blog

The Season of Being Thankful

That time of the year is here again! It’s the time when we all take a step back from our busy lives to look at everything that makes us grateful – it’s Thanksgiving. Whether it’s friends we’ve known since grade school, family we lean on during tough times, or the freedom granted to us in…

The Dark side of Ai

The Dark Side of AI: Be on the Lookout for these Workplace Scams!

Few would argue that we’re living in exciting times, specifically as it relates to the evolution of AI technology and the resultant availability of seemingly unlimited knowledge at our fingertips.  Whether you’re looking to analyze large datasets in a snap, create a job description in the matter of a few keystrokes, or revamp your resume…

September Blog

The Ripple Effect of Giving Back: Enriching Lives and Empowering Change

“Giving back” – it’s a simple phrase that’s very significant. While the chaos and business of our daily lives can often push community activism to the sidelines, the act of giving back can bring benefits that extend far beyond immediate impact. Engaging with one’s community through volunteering, supporting nonprofit organizations, or actively participating in local…

Courtneys Blog

Are You Burning Up or Burning Out This Summer?

In the corporate world, burnout seems to be a phrase used all too often…but what exactly is “burnout?” Burnout is caused by having a lifestyle that brings continued stress that can put people under pressure to the point of feeling exhausted, empty, and unable to cope. According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, burnout is…

Kims Blog

Cultivating Inner Peace: Mindfulness Techniques to Transform Your Life

In today’s fast-paced and chaotic world, finding inner peace and tranquility can feel like an elusive goal; however, there is a powerful practice that can help us navigate the turbulence of life with grace and equanimity: mindfulness. Mindfulness is the art of being fully present in the moment, cultivating a deep awareness of our thoughts,…