How Giving Yourself Grace Provides Higher Productivity

  • Savannah Higgins
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I’ve spent my career as a student of people. Being an executive recruiter has allowed me the
privilege of working with professionals as they strive to better their careers…and lives. As a
driven perfectionist, it has taken a lifetime to apply the daily grace I’ve provided others towards
myself. And I’ve found the benefits of this discovery exponential.

By giving ourselves the gift of grace, we find peace. Over the last 10+ years, there has been an
increased emphasis on making mental health a priority. Books, blogs, podcasts, self-
development conferences, life coaches, and therapists are amazing tools we can leverage in our
efforts to be the best we can be. What is the key denominator for sustained steps forward?
Start with the person in the mirror.

Here are 5 ways to give yourself grace…and how you can find freedom and increased
productivity by doing so:

  1. We’re human. We are not perfect and will make mistakes. Turn any difficult situation in to
    a learning experience. Remove self-induced pressure born of your myth of perfectionism.
  2. Do you speak to yourself negatively, in ways that you would never speak to others? Be kind
    to yourself. Melanie Robbins, an American author, speaker, and podcast host suggests
    giving yourself a high-five in your mirror every morning. (It works.)
  3. Remove an ‘all or nothing’ mindset and celebrate small successes to allow more
    opportunities of positivity. One step at a time leads to big improvement.
  4. To quote John Lydgate: ‘…you can’t please all of the people all of the time.’ And you will
    exhaust yourself trying. Release ‘people pleasing’ and instead practice the mantra of ‘I am
    doing the best I can.’
  5. No matter your position on an organizational chart, you aren’t always in control. ‘Fires’
    arise, an associate’s work is late which in turn affects your timetable, your boss has a
    different idea from yours – you name it. The sooner you release your belief that a vise-like
    grip on control will make friends and influence people, the sooner you can step into inner
    calm and more effective collaboration.

You deserve the grace you bestow upon others! You have to be your best self to perform to
your potential.



Written by: Tracy Tringali